IMAGES & VIDEOSReferring to Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick; or, The Whale, the collection “Death to Moby Dick” deals with the relationships on board of the Pequod.
The three main characters Ishmael, Captain Ahab and the polynesian harpooner Queequeg naturally influence each other during the long hunt for the white whale, they leave traces in each others existence.
Ishmael’s life, moulded by his memories as the only surviving member of the Pequod has been the inspiration and the beginning of this collection.
Reflecting the often faded and colourless flashbacks sequences in films, the colour palette of “Death to Moby Dick” is muted; typical attributes of the different personalities are translated into materiality and stylistic elements and are then juxtaposed. The sinister captain’s overcoat meats silken polka dot scarf, or a white, clean shirt a mystical waistcoat with long black fringes.
The collection derives its title from the rallying cry the crew aboard the Pequod uses to spur each other on, and which reverberates after their death like a cynical echo.
Photographer: Johanna Kreutzer
Hair & Makeup: Nadja Kaiser
Styling: Saskia Hammen, Miriam Schaaf
Models: Alexander Leible, Alina Grasmann
Graphics & Visual Concepts
Tobias Knipf, Musclebeaver
Raphaela Knipf
Tobias Knipf